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Spending time with someone who shares your interests is a gift. Time is precious to us, and sharing it with others can make people feel happier and more connected to the community.
The Department of Health and Aged Care has funded Elder Rights Advocacy to run a program that matches those needing companionship with volunteers of similar interests, hobbies, and backgrounds.
The Aged Care Volunteer Visitors Scheme (ACVVS) is a free program available to individuals in aged care homes, on Home Care Package waiting lists, or receiving Home Care Package services.
For Shepparton volunteer Belinda, the ACVVS has provided an opportunity to learn more about the local area and connect with Ken, who now feels like a part of the family.
‘I just think its lovely giving back to the community. You will get enjoyment out of meeting new people. If you connect with your person, it’s no different to connecting with a friend. We would never have crossed paths otherwise.’
For local resident Ken, getting involved in the program meant building his social network and ensuring he had someone to share a cuppa with.
‘In my day-to-day life, this program has meant knowing someone is coming to visit, you’ve got something to look forward to.’
Volunteers and participants meet with their companions weekly or fortnightly to enjoy a chat, a stroll, watch television together or share a particular hobby. When asked about the kind of person this volunteering role would suit, Belinda suggests a prospective volunteer should be a ‘people person,’ someone interested in sharing stories as she and Ken can talk for hours.
Belinda says, ‘The program would suit someone who would like to spend their spare time with and learn something from older people, such as knitting, crochet, or knowledge of life.’
Elder Rights Advocacy is looking to add to its list of celebrated volunteers. If you are looking for an opportunity to give back to your community and meet some incredible people along the way, please get in touch with the team on 1800 022 887 or email us at