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In aged care, as in many community services, those who work quietly behind the scenes bring positive change to the lives of older individuals. Today, we are honoured to share a heartwarming message from a family whose loved one’s daily experience was improved through the support and expertise of one of our professional advocates.
‘Hello (Advocate Name),
I wanted to say a huge THANK YOU for all your support in the last couple of weeks to our cause. As a family, we are all ecstatic with the outcome; knowing that mum is now spending her days in comfort is just so wonderful.
We are so appreciative of your support, care, and understanding, and for that, we cannot thank you enough.
Regards and Best Wishes.’
These words resonate deeply for us. Advocacy has helped change a challenging situation into a source of comfort and happiness for the person and their family. It is a testament to the skill and dedication of our advocates in Australia’s aged care system.
Advocacy is about standing beside the older person and ensuring their voice is heard. We support the older person’s right to be treated with dignity and respect to live their chosen life.
This heartfelt thank-you note is a reminder that we are making a difference in the lives of older people in Victoria every day. Please join us in celebrating advocacy and supporting older people’s rights.