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Elder Rights Advocacy in partnership with Victoria Police and community partner, Windermere Child and Family Services, came together at Benetas Dalkeith Gardens Aged Care last week to talk to the aged care staff around safeguarding and empowering older people.
The Stronger Together project is running place-based events to strengthen partnerships between police, aged care providers, older people, families and advocates to tackle elder abuse and incidents in aged care.
The aim of the project is to increase awareness around elder abuse, rights of older people, reporting to police and referrals to support programs and services, including the Victims Assistance Program, co-located in police stations across Victoria.
At least one in six older Australians experience elder abuse in their lifetime. It can happen to yourself, or an older person you know.
In an emergency always call Triple Zero (000). If it’s not urgent, you can also report elder abuse by contacting your local station or Crime Stoppers. Find out more about Elder Abuse.
The Victorian Government funds the Victims Assistance Program, which provides free services to victims, witnesses, impacted family members – whether the crime has been reported to police or not. Find out more about Victims Assistance.
Remember you have the right to live free from all forms of abuse and neglect. Aged care providers are responsible for creating a safe environment where your well-being is protected, and any signs of mistreatment are investigated, and reported appropriately.
For support and assistance, contact an ERA Advocate at 1800 700 600.